(hereinafter “the Site”) belongs to CHUBERB SAS Company with the capital of 240,000 euros, whose head office is 24 rue Dumenge 69004 LYON (France), registered in the Companies Register (RCS) of Lyon under the n°788 747,780, number of intracommunity VAT n° FR35 788,747,780 (hereinafter “CHUBERB Company”).
Any reproduction, integral or partial, of the contents of the Site, texts and photographs, are prohibited without the prior approval authorization of CHUBERB Company.
The Site was the object of a declaration at the CNIL which delivered the receipt n°1678446v0 on 6/10/2013. The information collected by CHUBERB company at the time of a customer order is necessary to the management of the transaction and for this purpose could be communicated in whole or part at the service providers of CHUBERB Company intervening within the framework of the execution of the order. The customer is informed that these same data in personal matter could also be collected by an organization in charge of the analysis of the orders and the fight against the fraud with the credit card. In accordance with the Data-processing law and Freedoms n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978, the customer has a right of access, of correction, opposition and suppression of the data relating to it.